July's challenge is up at
Kraft It Up - once again, another fantastic challenge.
The challenge is to use 4 photos, and Kraft as a base (of course!!!)
Here is what I did, but check out the blog for the other Creative Team Samples - they are awesome!
There is also a call for 2 - 3 more Creative Team Members - it is awesome on this CT, so if you love challenge blogs - why don't you apply??

Here is a photo I took of my boy at Bongaree - Bribie Island, before we went off on out road trip, we visited Mark's Mum and Dad for a couple of days.....
Gosh he is growing up - where has my baby gone????

At the moment, we are on the road - travelling to the snow....
Having heaps of fun on the road, we stop off at various playgrounds along the way so Connor can stretch his legs and play....
Here he is on the playground at Windsor - a place called Macquarie Park - on the banks of the Howkesbury River - really pretty....

We stopped at Tenterfield too, on our way to Tamworth - I love this photo of Connor all rugged up against the cold, having fun.....
This is the playground at Tenterfield, I love the Wintery look of the scenery, trees with no leaves, frosty mornings... Connor was so cute this morning - he was tickled pink that he could breathe out steam - first time he's seen that LOL! He also loved the ice on the car, the plants, the rooves of the houses....
It's great to see him experience all these new things... he loves learning new stuff......
Till next time, hope you are all keeping warm!!