If you are looking for a fabulous, friendly forum to join in a fun-filled cybercrop, head over to
Chookscraps. A Cybercrop is in progress this weekend - and the challenges are wonderful. Bingo is on tonight - so check it out!! This is the layout I did for Challenge 1 - have to use photos smaller than 6x4, stitching on the layout, distressing and alliteration in your title:

This one was for Challenge 2 - we had to use brown and black somewhere, have an element partially hidden, a combinations of buttons, flowers and brads 7 times, and add something to your photo.

Challenge 3 was a little tricky for me - as it is to scraplift one of my layouts - lol - so instead, I scraplifted
this lovely layout of Shara's.

Challenge 4 is a card challenge. You have to work from a sketch. This is the card I made as a sample:

Finally, this is my layout I did for the DT challenge - yep, I am a Guest DTer there this month, and I must say, I am having an absolute ball!! The criteria were to use a black, white, pink, lime and orange colour scheme, 5 pieces of ribbon, doodling, and NO bling. This is what I did. The photo is of my adorable great-niece Eva. She is a divine little beauty, so it is so easy to scrap her!! Hehe!
Anyways, that's it from me - don't forget to check out the cybercrop at Chookscraps this weekend - all challenges are due in on Friday, so you still have heaps of time to do them!
Thanks for stopping by!