It is such a wonderful feeling to see your work in print, especially alongside the well known names of the scrapping world........ There is such creativity and talent out there, I'm amazed I even got a look in!! LOL!!
I can't show the layout for another 2 months, so if you want to see which one, you'll have to just buy Scrapbooking Memories :0) (It's on page 132)
Congratulations also to Julie C from SnB who also got published in SM for the first time this month. Her gorgeous layout is on pg 133 - and it is so cool to make my SM debut with such a lovely, talented lady.
I don't think I've shared these layouts yet - I did them a few week ago, just haven't got around to putting them on my blog....
This one I did using more of the scrummy Cosmo Cricket Snorkel range, it would have to be one of my all time favourite ranges - so bright and funky, with cute little embies hehe.
Just a few photos of the beach, now that Summer is rolling around again, I thought it was time to scrap last year's photos! LOL!

With this one I did a bit of playing with Photoshop - I am slowly learning how to use it, and on Saturday I am off to another course to hopefully learn a bit more! Really looking forward to it!! This layout was done with the cute Sass Lass Me Likey Range - another range that is bright and fun and perfect for Summer layouts
Thank you so much for all your kind comments about my little procedure on Tuesday, after almost a whole day of rest today, I am feeling much better. I won't know the results until tomorrow or early next week.